
Transport Management Software (TMS)

What is Transport Management System or Software?

  1. Calculation mistake in freight.
  2. Ledger posting get wrong or entries get missed.
  3. Missing LR/Bilty at the time of making bill to party.
  4. Delay in finding information required by customers
  1. Time Saving.
  2. Easy to use.
  3. Ledger Posting with Single Entry.
  4. Fast searching of Information.
  5. Our Transport Software is online/cloud based, you can use it from anywhere with your User ID-Password, no need of carry laptop.
  1. Ledger Creation (Consignor,Consignee,Transporter…).
  2. Product Group.
  3. Product.
  4. Unit.
  5. Rate Setup.
  1. Booking/LR Entry.
  2. Hire Slip/Bhada Parchi.
  3. Loading Challan.
  4. Unloading Challan.
  5. Crossing Challan
  6. Cash Memo / Gate Pass.
  7. Delivery Confirmation
  8. Billing.
  9. Cash Confirmation/POD.
  10. Delivery Confirmation.
  11. Summary Entry.
  12. Receipt/Payment.
  13. Outward Challan.
  1. Booking/LR/Trip Register.

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